MK Music Hub

Music Group – Woughton Youth Centre

Starting Thursday 9th February 2023 5pm to 7pm then every fortnight
Taking place at Woughton Community Council Youth Centre, 95 to 97 Jonathans, Coffee Hall, MK6 5DR

For students aged 14 to 19 years old

Guardian/carer – please complete the form below


Photographic Consent - Photography, Film and Audio: Milton Keynes Music Hub is part of MK Council and occasionally uses photography for publicity purposes. We would like your permission to photograph/film/record audio of your child for possible inclusion in promotional material, website and other publicity material including social media. We will ensure as far as possible that the images/video/audio are not used inappropriately but by submitting this permission form you accept that should this happen, the council does not accept responsibility. Your contact details will remain strictly confidential.